Building Bridges as a Means to Connection and Communication
The ELL Department has continued to build our relationships and learn from colleagues locally and worldwide who are leading culturally sustaining pedagogy. We are continually incorporating, modelling and developing practices that embody all aspects of the Abbyschools Equity Framework. Below are just a few examples of some of the great work that is happening in our district.
Developing the competencies of a teacher of multilingual learners begins with examining your beliefs and biases. This first step takes time, patience, and vulnerability to reflect on your current practices as a means to shift to an asset-based mindset. The ELL department has developed a course in Canvas to support these first steps. We encourage you to join your colleagues through this blended learning opportunity.
Through investigation of school data, the staff community at South Poplar Elementary are developing a systematic approach to drive instruction. They are honing in on specific practices that best meet the needs of their multilingual student population. This approach includes using a collaboration template to facilitate conversations between support and classroom teachers.
Maintaining culturally sustaining pedagogy is the responsibility of all educators. It begins by asking such questions as; whose voices are being heard? Whose voices are not being heard? Do students see themselves represented in their buildings and in their learning? The Book Creator books Eid Mubarak and Ten Broeck Student Orientation demonstrate how a few teachers have intentionally worked with their student populations to celebrate the diversity within these schools.
Bharwat Vaid, ELL Teacher at Eugene Reimer Middle School has been working with district ELL staff to host several parent information sessions for families. The goal of these sessions is to build connections with multilingual families, so that they too feel a sense of belonging, know that their voice is valued and to further solidify parents as partners, no matter what language they speak.
Our commitment to equity is demonstrated through our involvement with our colleagues and multi-language learner families. To further this, we will continue to examine our individual, interpersonal, pedagogical and structural practices as a means to build bridges for equitable schools. We encourage you to reflect on your practices and how they may intentionally or unintentionally contribute to culturally sustaining practices within your community.