
Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Practices

The Pedagogical Lens relates to instructional practice and asks if learners recognize that their cultural backgrounds and histories are respected within the instructional ecology of the classroom. It invites the use of culturally responsive approaches and resources to empower each learner to succeed. As teachers engage students in thinking and reflecting using the Pedagogical Lens, the following guiding questions can be used to support educational practices that allow all students to be successful.

What it looks like:

  • Supporting educational practices that allow all students to be successful
  • Being culturally responsive
  • Providing equitable opportunities
  • Ensuring a safe and inclusive classroom space
  • Meeting individual and group needs

Guiding Questions:

  • What educational opportunities do I provide that help my diverse group of learners realize their fullest potential? Are these practices routinely interrogated? Do they utilize First Peoples Principles of Learning and diverse cultural competencies?
  • Do the assessment practices I utilize in the classroom address the individual needs of my learners? Do they incorporate competency-based learning targets and success criteria, student voice and choice with content and demonstration of learning)
  • Does my teaching reflect equity and specific strategies to serve diverse learners individually and as a group, including Indigenous, ELL and Newcomers to Canada?
  • How can I help students to become informed and engaged citizens?
  • How do I ensure that I create a safe, equitable and inclusive learning environment for all of my students?
  • How do I make sure students help and support one another in their learning?

Applications and Resources:

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