Highlights - Board Meeting - October 17, 2023
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
Facilities and Transportation Department Strategic Plan Report for 2022-23
Dale Churchill, Director of Facilities, provided a progress report to the Board highlighting achievements related to how the Facilities Department worked to improve the condition and performance of district facilities.
Finance Department Strategic Plan Report for 2022-23
Monica Schulte, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer provided a progress report to the Board highlighting achievements related to how the Finance Department worked to optimize resources across the district.
Information Technology Department Strategic Plan Report 2022-23
Karman O’Brien, Director of Information Technology, provided a progress report to the Board highlighting achievements related to how the Information Technology Department worked on improving the ethical and innovative use of technology.
First Quarter Financial Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with updates on First Quarter Financial Report.
Enrolment Report
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with information on the enrolment summary for September 2023. Final confirmation of these enrolments will be completed in late October.
Student Transportation Services Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided a report to the Board of Education with an update on student transportation.